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Build a skilled tech company for now - an approach paper

Topics Covered:

  1. Tech Forward - Skilling Context in Technology

  2. What are the current challenges?

  3. So, what’s the “Roadmap”

  4. Focus Areas

  5. How to get there, a phased approach!

1. Tech Forward - Skilling Context in Technology

  • Key takeaways for deriving value from Digital

  • Building capability

  • Talent continues to be a key driver in driving capability

  • Digital skilling is one of the Key metrics of digital business

According to a 2019-2020 Global Skills Gap Report by Udemy, 84 per cent of the candidates feel that their knowledge has become obsolete, given the pace at which technology is changing.

Reskilling has become the need of the hour to increase the employment rate of graduates. According to McKinsey Global Survey in 2020 ( ), 92 per cent of Indians agree that there is a skill gap in the employment landscape.

At least 82 per cent of Indians believe that artificial intelligence (AI) is seizing their jobs, the report said. However, the sunnier side is that more and more Indians are now willing to take up online courses for reskilling.

According to Nasscom, talent is a strategic driver and digital skilling is one of the key metrics that will drive digital at scale.

2. What are the current challenges in this regard?

  • Current processes of recruiting people, learning platforms, and talent management may not be scalable and sustainable for building a tech-driven organization! As we see when we engage with various companies and from outside, the task on hand is mammoth and if the support processes don't scale, they create major bottlenecks for organisations in their journey towards being tech-driven.

  • Strategy is not clear as to how an organization will continuously evolve as a learning organization. Learning is a continuum and unless there is a clear strategy on this, it may be Adhoc and may not be fully useful for any organisation.

  • How organizations are geared to harness technology continually to handle their rapidly evolving business needs is not explicitly stated.

  • There is a continuous demand for significant new skill sets. Unless organizations identify these concerning skilling that may be required they will always be playing a catch-up game all the time.

  • A clear roadmap on how organizations plan to continuously bridge this gap is not always stated. Identifying the skilling gap remains a huge challenge at a micro level for organisations. This is a continuous exercise and hence needs to be tracked closely with an action plan to catch up. While we do not anticipate the gaps to fill in 100%, but orgs should have rolling targets for meeting those gaps. Any dip in catching up needs to be introspected and actioned.

  • As part of employee talent management and nurturing, continuous investment in employee learning and skilling is not clear. Organizations do track and report many metrics to their various stakeholders. Investment in employees' skilling and learning needs to be reported mandatorily with other metrics and this will promote sustainability on the topic.

  • The right infrastructure may not be in place to facilitate all of the above in most organizations.

3. So, what’s the “Roadmap”

So, What’s the Roadmap for becoming the Talent Hub for Technology?

3 by three approaches to get there: 3 focus areas and three phases to getting there.

The 3 focus areas are:

  1. Talent Acquisition

  2. Talent Development

  3. Talent Nurturing

Also, three phases to getting there:

  1. Discovery

  2. Implementation

  3. Maturity

4. So, what are the Focus Areas?

5. How to get there, a phased approach!

Phase One is the discovery phase. This phase usually lasts for up to 3 months.

Here focus on

  1. Planning

  2. Identifying target segment

  3. Creating Minimum Value Proposition (MVP) for all identified segments

  4. Identifying the project teams and the tools

Phase Two is the implementation phase. This phase usually lasts for up to 2 years.

  1. Onboard the pilot batch

  2. Reiterate and improve on the processes basis the learning from the pilot

  3. Mentor the resources and skill them

  4. Define metrics

  5. Track outcomes and success

Phase Three is the maturity phase and usually is beyond two years if the orgs remain true or the strategy.

If you are part of a technology company, bank, NBFC, or financial services organization, and looking for enterprise resource planning or looking for a successful consulting partner reach out to us today at


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